
Word of the Day - Thursday, January 6th

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The Cruciverbalist


Olla (AHL-a, OY-yah)

Common clues: Spanish pot, earthenware pot, spiced stew

Definition: 1. an unglazed pot or jar for cooking or holding water.  2. a meaty, spicy stew

The word, olla, comes from the Latin word aulla which means “pot”.  It has been common to the native people of North and Central America for over a thousand years.

Typically, the olla is a spherical body with a wide mouth, unglazed, although some are painted with designs characteristic of specific cultures.

Ollas were originally made for storing water or food.  Sometimes they were used for cooking.  Today, many tribes still make them but their purpose has changed to that of a decoration.


Image used with permission. Bob Reis