
Word of the Day - Thursday, January 20th

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Clever Clue of the Month

The Cruciverbalist


Arte (AR-dee)

Common clue: Johnson of “Laugh-In”

Arte Johnson, best known as a chain-smoking German soldier on the “Laugh-In” TV show, was born on this day in 1929 in Benton Harbor, Michigan.  The 5’4”, sandy-haired Johnson graduated from the University of Illinois in 1949. 

He had starring roles in several TV shows and movies such as “It’s Always Jan” (1955), “Hennesey (1959), and “Don’t Call Me Charlie” (1962) before becoming a regular on “Laugh-In” in 1968.  His signature phrase, “Verrrrry innnterestingggg”, became a household word.

Following his stint with “Laugh-In” he continued to have starring roles in “Baggy Pants and the Nitwits” (1977), “Games People Play” (1980), The Pink Panther (1993), and many others.

He began Chemotherapy in 1997 for non-Hodgkins Lymphoma