
Word of the Day - Friday, January 21th

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Word of the Day


Clever Clue of the Month

The Cruciverbalist


Irma (ER-muh)

Common clue: _____ la Douce

Irma la Douce is a 1963 movie, based on a musical by Alexander Breffort, starring Jack Lemmon and Shirley Maclaine.  Jack Lemmon, who plays the part of an ex-cop, falls in love with Irma (Shirley Maclaine), a prostitute, and tries to get her out of that life by paying for all of her time.


  • Jack Lemmon married actress Felicia Farr in Paris during this 1962 shoot.

  • Marilyn Monroe was briefly considered for the title role but since Billy Wilder had worked with her twice before, he figured he had enough punishment.

  • Shirley MacLaine signed on without having read the script because she "believed in Wilder and Lemmon".
