
Word of the Day - Friday, March 4th

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Erle (erl)

Common clues: Gardner of fiction; Author ____ Stanley Gardner; first name in mystery writing

Erle Stanley Gardner (July 17,1889 - March 11, 1970) was an American lawyer and author of detective stories who also published under the names Kyle Corning, Charles M. Green, Carleton Kendrake, Charles J. Kenny, Les Tillray, and Robert Parr.

He created the fictional lawyer and crime-solver Perry Mason. Under the penname A. A. Fair he wrote a series of stories about private detectives Bertha Cool and Donald Lam.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Erle Stanley Gardner".

Early in his career, mystery writer Erle Stanley Gardner earned a living churning out stories for pulp magazines at the incredible rate of 200,000 words per month.

As he was paid by the word, the length of a story was of no small importance. Noting that his villains were invariably killed by the last bullet in the chamber, Gardner's editor once asked why his heroes were so careless with the first five shots.

"At three cents a word," Gardner replied, "every time I say 'Bang' in the story I get three cents. If you think I'm going to finish the gun battle while my hero has got fifteen cents' worth of unexploded ammunition in his gun, you're nuts!"
