
Word of the Day - Friday, March 25th

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Word of the Day


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The Cruciverbalist


Ecru (EK-roo)

Common clues: Light brown; Oyster color; Grayish yellow; Beige

Definition: a very light brown or beige color having the appearance of unbleached silk or linen.

The word comes to us from the French word écru meaning raw or unbleached.

KATONAH, N.Y. — Enjoying her first day out of prison, Martha Stewart fed treats to her horses, harvested lemons in her greenhouse and sent out hot chocolate to chilled reporters as she settled in at her $16 million country estate for five months of house arrest…

…Wearing an ecru quilted coat and matching knit scarf, the 63-year-old Stewart and a companion took her dog, Paw Paw, into a snowy paddock at midmorning.

[Source: Jim Fitzgerald, the Associated Press 3/5/05]