
Word of the Day - Tuesday, April 12th

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Arty (AHR-tee)

Common clues: Highbrow; Overly stylish

Definition: (informal) characterized by an affected or ostentatious display of artistic interest or manner.

One of the most telling things about a good foreign language film is the way in which the words and emotions transcend the language barrier. Many people often dismiss foreign language films as only for the arty and highbrow, and many excellent films are dismissed in this way. In addition, subtitles are often a dissuading factor when choosing which film to see and, in some cases, can be most off-putting. However, with Shanghai Triad, by the second reel I had almost forgotten that I was watching a film where everyone was speaking Mandarin. This is Zhang Yimou's greatest talent - that he can tell stories so well that the language they are spoken in does not make a difference to the feeling and emotion that comes from the screen.

[Source: A film review by Jonathan Broxton 1996]