

Word of the Day - Friday, June 3rd

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Edam (EE-dum)

·          Common clues: Dutch cheese; Wax-coated cheese; Red-rinded cheese

·          Crossword puzzle frequency: 10 times a year

·          Frequency in English language: 40823 / 86800

Edam is a Dutch cheese that is traditionally sold as spheres with pale yellow interior and a coat of red or yellow paraffin wax. It is named after Edam (mun. Edam-Volendam). Edam coated with black wax rather than the usual red or yellow has aged for at least 17 weeks. It is also popular in the Nordic countries.

[Courtesy: Lori Alden]

Edam cheese has a very mild taste and almost no smell when compared to other cheeses. It also has a significantly lower fat content than many other traditional cheeses.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Edam cheese".