

Word of the Day - Tuesday, March 7th

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Brie (bree)

A soft cow’s milk cheese

Common clues: French cheese; Mold ripened cheese; Uptown cracker topper

Crossword puzzle frequency: 8 times a year

Frequency in English language: 39007 / 86800

Brie is a soft cow's milk cheese named after Brie, the French province in which it originated


Edam (EE-duhm)

A Dutch cheese with a pale yellow interior and a coat of red or yellow paraffin wax

Common clues: Dutch cheese; Wax-coated cheese; Red-rinded cheese

Crossword puzzle frequency: once a month

Frequency in English language: 40823 / 86800

[Courtesy: Lori Alden]


Feta (FET-uh)

A firm crumbly Greek cheese made from sheep's or goat's milk

Common clues: Greek cheese; Greek salad ingredient, perhaps; Goat or sheep product

Crossword puzzle frequency: 5 times a year

Frequency in English language: 65762 / 86800


Feta is a classic curd cheese in brine whose tradition dates back to Greece thousands of years ago. It is traditionally made exclusively from goat's and sheep's milk, but cow's milk varieties are readily available in some areas.


Gouda (GOO-duh)

A mild Dutch cheese, typically sold in a flat sphere covered in wax

Common clues: Dutch cheese

Crossword puzzle frequency: 2 times a year

Frequency in English language: 71974 / 86800


Gouda is a yellowish Dutch cheese named after the city of Gouda. The cheese is made from cow's milk that is cultured and heated up until the curds separate from the whey.


This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia articles "Brie cheese", “Feta cheese”, “Gouda cheese”.