
Word of the Day - Sunday, June 24th

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FOB (fahb)

1.      a small pocket – especially for holding a watch

2.      a short chain attached to a pocket watch

Common clues: Watch pocket; Watch chain

Crossword puzzle frequency: 2 times a year

Frequency in English language: 42581 / 86800

Video: Chairman Mao pocket watch

Abraham Lincoln's pocket watch with chain and fob.

A watch fob is a medallion or ornament attached by leather strap or chain to a pocket watch to assist in locating and removing the watch from a pocket in clothing. Some were originally coded or numbered to assist in return to the owner.

A fob is a small pocket in trousers just below the waistline meant to hold a watch, keys, change, etc.



This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Fob".