
Word of the Day – Sunday, February 6th

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One of three orders of classical architecture

Common clues: Column style; Kind of column; Alternative to Corinthian; Ancient architectural style; Greek order of architecture; Ionic alternative

Crossword puzzle frequency: once a year

Frequency in English language: 26125 / 86800

News: The treasures of Greece

Video: The Parthenon in Acropolis, Athens

The Doric order was one of the three orders or organizational systems of Ancient Greek or classical architecture; the other two canonical orders were the Ionic and the Corinthian.

Doric order - Temple of Poseidon in Paestum, Italy

In their original Greek version, Doric columns stood directly on the flat pavement (the stylobate) of a temple without a base; their vertical shafts were fluted with 20 parallel concave grooves; and they were topped by a smooth capital that flared from the column to meet a square abacus at the intersection with the horizontal beam (entablature) that they carried.

Pronounced features of both Greek and Roman versions of the Doric order are the triglyphs and metopes. The triglyphs are decoratively grooved and represent the original wooden end-beams, which rest on the plain architrave that occupies the lower half of the entablature. Under each triglyph are peglike guttae that appear as if they were hammered in from below to stabilize the post-and-beam (trabeated) construction. A triglyph is centered above every column, with another (or sometimes two) between columns, though the Greeks felt that the corner triglyph should form the corner of the entablature, creating an inharmonious mismatch with the supporting column. The spaces between the triglyphs are the metopes. They may be left plain, or they may be carved in low relief.

The architecture followed rules of harmony. Since the original design came from wooden temples and the triglyphs were real heads of wooden beams, every column had to bear a beam which laid in the mid of the column. Triglyphs were arranged regularly; the last triglyph met the mid of the last column. This was regarded as the ideal solution which had to be reached.

Changing to stone cubes instead of wooden beams required full support of the architrave load at the last column. At the first temples the final triglyph was moved, still terminating the sequence, but leaving a gap disturbing the regular order. Even worse, the last triglyph was not centered with the corresponding column. That “archaic” manner was not regarded as a harmonious design. The resulting problem is called The doric corner conflict. Another approach was to apply a broader corner triglyph (III.) but was not really satisfying.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Doric Order".  

DORIC (80) 13 Tu+ >1 05 Column style IONIC

10 We- >1 04 Kind of column AGONY IONIC

6 We+ >1 09 Column type IONIC OPMOC

5 We- >1 04 Like some columns IONIC

4 Th- >1 05 Alternative to Corinthian IONIC

4 We- >1 01 Architectural order IONIC

3 Tu >1 04 Architectural style IONIC TUDOR

00 Greek column type IONIC

00 Ancient Greek dialect ATTIC IONIC

2 Th- >1 04 Classical Greek order

2 We- >1 99 Classical column style

2 We CSy 04 Composite, Corinthian, ___, Ionic, Tuscan

2 Th >1 08 Corinthian alternative IONIC

07 Greek column style IONIC

2 Th- >1 08 Greek order

1 Th NYT 90 A boldface type

1 Fr NYT 90 Ancient architectural style

1 We CSy 02 Classic column style

1 Sa NYT 90 Classic style of architecture

1 Th NYT 95 Classical style

1 We CSy 09 Column category

1 Th WaP 99 Column variety

1 Th CHE 04 Early Greek architecture style

1 We Jon 08 Greek architectual column style

1 Th NYT 95 Greek dialect EOLIC

2 Tu- >1 08 Queen of Mount Olympus