
Word of the Day – Monday, February 1st



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OGEE (OH-jee)

A double curve with a shape resembling an elongated S
Common clues:
Double curve; S shaped molding; Pointed arch; Gothic arch; Arch type; Pointed arch; Gothic arch; Architectural curve; Venetian arch feature
Crossword puzzle frequency: 8 times a year
Frequency in English language: 70142 / 86800

Video: How to draw an ogee curve

Courtesy Herman Leonhardes

In architecture, the ogee shape is one of the characteristics of the Gothic style, especially decorative elements in the 14th and 15th century late Gothic styles called Flamboyant in France and Decorated in England.

An ogee moulding, a wooden molding of ogee profile framed between square sections is part of the standard classical decorative vocabulary. An ogee is part of the "crown molding" that is frequently used at the top of a piece of case furniture, or capping a baseboard or plinth or where a wall meets the ceiling.

To minimize erosion, the downstream face of a dam spillway is usually an ogee curve.

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