
Ang Lee was born on this day in 1954

Word of the Day – Monday, October 23rd



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A Hollywood director
Common clues: Oscar winner Lee; “Crouching Tiger” director Lee; Lee of Hollywood; Director Lee; "Hulk" director Lee; Filmmaker Lee; Taiwan-born director Lee
Crossword puzzle frequency: 4 times a year
Frequency in English language: 53363 / 86800
Video: Ang Lee – Pushing the limits of cinema

On a Chinese film you just give orders, no one questions you. Here, you have to convince people, you have to tell them why you want to do it a certain way, and they argue with you. Democracy. ~ Ang Lee

Ang Lee (born October 23, 1954) is an ethnic Chinese Hollywood director born and raised Taiwanese in Taiwan but educated in the United States. His gift was first obvious to Hollywood just before the Kate Winslet début in Sense and Sensibility. Many of his films have focused on the interactions between modernity and tradition.

His films have also tended to have a light-hearted comedic tone which marks a break from the tragic historical realism which characterized Taiwanese filmmaking after the end of the martial law period in the 1990s. He created the gay genre in Asian films, and also created the A-list Hollywood wuxia film.

He is highly educated, having completed his bachelor's degree in Theater from the University of Illinois and received his MFA from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, where in 1984 he made a thesis film called Fine Line. He was also classmates with Spike Lee. He was a Visiting Fellow at Dartmouth College in 2001 where he premiered Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. His most recent films, Hulk and Brokeback Mountain, have been lauded for their artistic originality.

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