
Eda LeShan was born on this day in 1922

Word of the Day – Thursday, June 6th



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EDA (EE-duh)

American writer and television host
Common clues:
Author LeShan; Childcare writer LeShan; “The Conspiracy Against Childhood” author LeShan; Columnist LeShan; Child expert LeShan
Crossword puzzle frequency: 3 times a year
Frequency in English language: 78135 / 86800
Video: Interview with Eda LeShan

In all our efforts to provide ''advantages'' we have actually produced the busiest, most competitive, highly pressured, and over-organized generation of youngsters in our history.'' – Eda LeShan

Eda LeShan (June 6, 1922 - March 3, 2002) was an American writer, television host, counselor, educator, and playwright. She was a "voice of respect for the inherent integrity of children." LeShan was married to Lawrence LeShan, the American psychologist and writer.

LeShan's books include When Your Child Drives You Crazy, The Conspiracy Against Childhood, and It's Better to be Over the Hill than Under It. She was the host of How Do Your Children Grow? on PBS in the 1970s.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Eda_LeShan".