
Word of the Day – Thursday, July 4th



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ACH (awkh)

German word meaning ‘alas’
clues: Essen exclamation; “___ du lieber!”; Cologne cry; Rhine whine?; Alas in Augsburg; "Heck!”, in Heidelberg; German exclamation
Crossword puzzle frequency: 4 times a year
Frequency in English language: 29879 / 86800
Video: Pronunciation – Day 4: Ich and Ach

Knowledge of German in the European Union and candidate countries

Some common phrases with the word ‘ach’:

Ach, du meine güte! ausdr: Well, I never!

Ach du liebe Zeit! ausdr: Dear me!

Ach so! ausdr: I see!

Ach was! ausdr: You don't say!

Ach, du meine güte! ausdr: Well, I never!