
Word of the Day – Wednesday, August 28th



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RUHR (ruhr)

A major industrial region and river of western Germany
Common clues: German industrial region; Essen's river; River to the Rhine; German coal valley; Steel producing valley
Crossword puzzle frequency: 2 times a year
Frequency in English language: 29865 / 86800

The Ruhr is a large river in western Germany (North Rhine-Westphalia) starting near the town of Winterberg in Sauerland and ending in the Rhine in the city of Duisburg.

Ruhr (River), photo taken in Essen-Kettwig

The Ruhr first flows through the cities Meschede, Arnsberg and Schwerte. Then the river forms the southern edge of the Ruhr area, flowing through Hagen, Witten, Essen, Mülheim and Duisburg.

Its name is given to the major industrial region through which it flows.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Ruhr".