

Word of the Day – Tuesday, November 29th



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A water nymph of Greek mythology
Common clues: River nymph; Nymph;
Water nymph; Water sprite; Nymph of myth; Aquatic nymph
Crossword puzzle frequency: once a year

A Naiad by John William Waterhouse, 1893: a water nymph approaches the sleeping Hylas

In Greek mythology, the Naiads were a type of nymph who presided over fountains, wells, springs, streams, and brooks. They are distinct from river gods, who embodied rivers, and the very ancient spirits that inhabited the still waters of marshes, ponds and lagoon-lakes, such as pre-Mycenaean Lerna in the Argolid. Naiads were associated with fresh water, as the Oceanids were with saltwater and the Nereids specifically with the Mediterranean; but because the Greeks thought of the world's waters as all one system, which percolated in from the sea in deep cavernous spaces within the earth, there was some overlap. Arethusa, the nymph of a spring, could make her way through subterranean flows from the Peloponnesus, to surface on the island of Sicily.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Naiad".
