

Word of the Day – Wednesday, September 20th



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SCROD (skrawd)

A young cod or haddock, especially one split and boned for cooking
Common clues: Young haddock; New England catch; Young cod; Young Atlantic codfish; Fish dish; Seafood order; Catch of the day, maybe; Menu fish; Wharf fare
Crossword puzzle frequency: once a year
Cape Cod Baked Scrod

Oven-Roasted Boston Scrod

Scrod (also schrod) is a young (2.5 lb/1.1 kg or less) cod or, less frequently, when spelled with an 'h', haddock, split and boned. It is a staple in many coastal New England and Atlantic Canada seafood and fish markets.

A popular acronym used in New England area for scrod is "Seaman's Catch Received on Deck", which implies whatever type of "whitefish" caught that day would be used universally for cooking. A dubious folk etymology holds that the term comes from the acronym "Small Cod Remaining On Dock", but it more likely comes from the obsolete Dutch schrood, piece cut off, or from scrawed, from Cornish dialect.

Scrawing was a method for preparing a fish for cooking by splitting it open, drying it in the sun and/or salting it overnight to remove moisture, and then broiling it when dry. Cooking a young cod or the split tail of a large cod, with the same preparation method as scrawing, have been labeled as "scrod" in a cook book published as early as 1851. A fisherman friend of Daniel Webster is described as having greatly enjoyed scrawed cod for breakfast during his life.

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