

Word of the Day – Wednesday, October 11th



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ISLA (EEZ-luh)

Spanish for island
clues: Madonna's “La ___ Bonita”; Mallorca, e.g.; Puerto Rico, por ejemplo; Hispaniola, por ejemplo; Cuba, to Carlos; ___ Mujeres, Mexico; Spanish key
Crossword puzzle frequency: 3 times a year
Frequency in English language: 45829 / 86800
Isla Santa Maria

An island or isle is any piece of land that is completely surrounded by water. Very small islands are called islets. Emergent land features on an atoll are sometimes called islets. A key or cay is another name for a relatively small island or islet. An island in a river or lake is called an eyot.

Isla Espiritu Santo, Baja California

There are three main types of islands: continental islands, river islands, and volcanic islands. There are also artificial islands. A grouping of related islands is called an archipelago.

The word island comes from the island nation of Iceland, whose name in Icelandic is Island.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Island".