Site/Picture of the Year



Please take a moment to vote for one picture and one site. Please email your response to me.

Picture of the Year Nominations

Click on the images to see a larger view.




Eye of God

Jericho Road




Car Balloons

Big Buck Moon

Black and White


Angry Mimes

Site of the Year Nominations

Tyson the Skateboarding Dog

This is Tyson, the skateboarding dog's, web site:

10 x 10

The function of this site is to place the world's top

100 news stories of the past 60 minutes onto a

single web page, represented by a 10 across,

10 down grid of thumbnail images.

The Longevity Game

Try the Longevity Game! See how your

lifestyle can affect you in the years to come by

answering just 12 quick questions.

Google Maps

Google's got a new map-making site with a twist...

You can create maps and get directions, similar to other

map-making sites like MapQuest and YahooMaps.

But, Google has upped the ante...

You can zoom up on your destination, click the

"Satellite" link, and look at an actual

aerial image of that location.  Wow! is now the first place I go when researching a word

or topic.  It takes content from over 100 dictionaries, encyclopedias,

glossaries, and atlases to provide good information quickly.

The Movie Spoiler

This site bills itself as "the most fun you can have

at the movies without being there".  Have you ever wanted

to know all about a particular movie but really don't

want to invest the time?  This is the place to go.

Don't go to this site if you're planning on watching

the movie - not only will it tell you about the movie -

it'll tell you everything, including how it ends.


DVD Easter Eggs

In DVD-speak, easter eggs refer to the hidden tidbits

and extras that moviemakers often place inside a DVD

and throughout a series of clicks and button-pushes,

one can reveal such goodies.


One Red Paper Clip

The story begins with one red paperclip.  Kyle

trades the paper clip for something bigger

and better.  His goal is to keep trading up

until he's able to trade for a house...