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Clever Clue of the Month

The Cruciverbalist


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This is a list of the Clever Clue nominees since April of 2006

50 or more people? .....................AARP

Sponsor of the Rolling Stones' 2024
"Hackney Diamonds" tour.................AARP

Rattling adders.........................ABACI

Item once popular in counter cultures?..ABACUS

Navel base..............................ABDOMEN

Be a bad helper? .......................ABET

Cover to protect from the heat? ........ABET

Help wanteds?...........................ABET

Eggs on yeggs ..........................ABETS

Site of class struggle..................ACADEMIA

Point of no return? ....................ACE

Result of providing service and getting
nothing in return?......................ACE

One who gives great service? ...........ACER

Feeling after doing squat?..............ACHE

Head tail? .............................ACHE

Cause of some bellyaching? .............ACID

Problem that's hard to face? ...........ACNE

Spots on campus? .......................ACNE

Person with a line of credit?...........ACTOR

Some needlework.........................ACUPUNCTURE

Outbreak of spots?......................ADCAMPAIGN

Job for the summer?.....................ADDING

Scene in Shakespeare? ..................ADO

Some spots before your eyes? ...........ADS

Word before noon? ......................AFTER

He has many hands and a prosthetic leg..AHAB

Noise before a break-in.................AHEM

United way?.............................AISLE

Haitian capital? .......................AITCH

Old rubber? ............................ALADDIN

Apple application that's now banned.....ALAR

Pen that's no longer used ..............ALCATRAZ

Dodging the draft? .....................ALEE

Assumption during a life of crime?......ALIAS

Defense establishment? .................ALIBI

Defensive line? ........................ALIBI

Stand out? .............................ALIBI

Tender towards one's exes?..............ALIMONIES

Apt name for a farmers market that sells 

only corn?..............................ALLEARS

What little things mean? ...............ALOT

Appropriate time for acting


Mass-produced answer? ..................AMEN

Line between pants......................AMITOOLATE

The simple life? .......................AMOEBA

Band aids ..............................AMPS

Boomers at a rock concert?..............AMPS

Band featuring Rush Limbaugh ...........AMRADIO

Antes up for peanuts? ..................ANAGRAM

Canniest, for instance..................ANAGRAM

Cheaters, to teachers ..................ANAGRAM

Sport shoe for hoopsters, e.g. .........ANAGRAM

Angered and enraged, e.g. ..............ANAGRAMS

What chemists find attractive? .........ANIONS

$250 TV buy since '75...................ANO

Charge for a hand delivery? ............ANTE

Hard-working six-footers? ..............ANTS

Workers you wouldn't want to see in the


Channel associated with a ticker........AORTA

Burger King vis-a-vis McDonald's,
fittingly ..............................ARCHRIVAL

Art, today? ............................ARE

Products inside boxes? .................AREAS

Ain't right? ...........................ARENT

[“Throw the tennis ball!”] .............ARF

Lab report? ............................ARF

Half a huge cost? ......................ARM

Risk factor?............................ARMY

Where many grunts may be heard?.........ARMYBASE

Rear end in a British auto?.............ARSE

Reason for a lighter conviction? .......ARSON

Result of foul match play? .............ARSON

Public hangings? .......................ART

Public works program?...................ARTEXHIBIT

Criminal who welcomes a hanging?........ARTFORGER

Cuban byproduct.........................ASH
Fire proof? ............................ASHES

You can rest your butt there …..........ASHTRAY
Butt loci ..............................ASHTRAYS

Polo field? ............................ASIA

Like most people? ......................ASIAN

Referral from dad?......................ASKMOM

Digital interface?: Abbr ...............ASL

Black listing? .........................ASSET

Rick often behind a slick click.........ASTLEY

Trying to avert a strike, perhaps.......ATBAT

Came to a fast stop? ...................ATE

Processed food? ........................ATE

Earth bound? ...........................ATLAS

Volume of the Earth? ...................ATLAS

World record? ..........................ATLAS

It can help you find your balance? .....ATM

Producer of the Jacksons?...............ATM

Disagreeing like bookies? ..............ATODDS

Completely lost... unless you're a

pirate, and if so, carry on.............ATSEA

Primary weapons.........................ATTACKADS

Our top story?..........................ATTIC

Story that's often scary................ATTIC
Where the last flight ends? ............ATTIC

Carmaker that sounds like a belly
button .................................AUDI

Final exam?.............................AUTOPSY

Mean guy?...............................AVERAGEJOE

Yo, Hadrian!” .........................AVE

Spiked punch ...........................AWL

Not in a private area?..................AWOL

Rotten to the Corps?....................AWOL

Gave Lizzie Borden the pink slip?.......AXED
Plural of a 2-letter, 3-letter,
or 4-letter word …......................AXES

Three-legged five footers...............BABYGRANDS

Fallout victims ........................BABYTEETH

Mass producer? .........................BACH

Pain in the rear? ......................BACKSEATDRIVER

Go over again, as one's writing?........BACKSPACE

Personal management problems............BADHAIRDAYS

Lousy joints?...........................BADKNEES

Undeserved notoriety (or how one might
describe Vanilla Ice's discography).....BADRAP
Can opener?.............................BAIL

Free cash?..............................BAIL

Unable to part? ........................BALD

Playground bouncer......................BALL

Foul creature?..........................BALLBOY

Cartoon character with his own club ....BAMMBAMM

Stag movie? ............................BAMBI

Dangerous activity with a safe goal?....BANKJOB

Lush surroundings? .....................BAR

Tender spot? ...........................BAR

Test that lets you practice after you


Person with counter intelligence?.......BARISTA

Grounds crew?...........................BARISTAS

Draft document?.........................BARMENU

Check for shots.........................BARTAB

Manhattan architect?....................BARTENDER

Sacks of diamonds?......................BASES

Items you might travel with.............BASKETBALLS

Wet bar locale?.........................BATH

Series of revivals? ....................BAYWATCH

Taking a stab at?.......................BAYONETING

U.K. org. that announced "There is no

news" on April 18, 1930.................BBC

Wind stopper?...........................BEANO

Worship of John, Paul, etc.?............BEATLEMANIA

Where to go in the hospital.............BEDPAN

Where you might go if you're very
sick? ..................................BEDPAN

Competition in which the winner always
gets the last word?.....................BEE

One controlling drones..................BEEKEEPER

Some real heady stuff?..................BEER

It's no six-pack, ironically............BEERBELLY

Overhang, in a sports bar? .............BEERGUT

Result of too many six-packs,

Six-pack alternative ...................BEERGUT

They develop less of a head cold .......BEERS

Rabbit relative ........................BEETLE

Hundreds of rap videos? ................BENJAMINS

Historic sewer..........................BETSYROSS

Famous print maker?.....................BIGFOOT

Hangout for hog owners?.................BIKERBAR

See the seasons pass quickly?...........BINGEWATCH

Boxing ring?............................BLACKEYE

Pee pod?................................BLADDER

Small unit in typing?...................BLOODCELL

Opportunity for people to act badly.....BMOVIE

Gets one over on........................BOGEYS

Spring report...........................BOING

What it would be a mistake to write


Child-raising technique?................BOOSTERSEAT

Private place? .........................BOOTCAMP

Criminal record?........................BOOTLEGCD

They're burned by pirates ..............BOOTLEGCDS

Celebrity head shot ....................BOTOX

Injection into the vain? ...............BOTOX

Shot for the stars? ....................BOTOX

City, that despite its name, is smaller 

than Little Rock........................BOULDER

Letters read with feeling? .............BRAILLE

What regular people eat ................BRAN

You may get it to go ...................BRAN

Reliever who closed out the Giants'
World Series victory and who recently
said this:
I'd like to be a crossword
clue one day... I want my clue to be
down, not across. The down ones are
usually harder... How sweet would
that be?” ..............................BRIANWILSON

One in front of a train? ...............BRIDE

One who might keep a torch in his
boot ...................................BRIT

One who's happy about acquiring a few

extra pounds, informally................BRIT

Stock options ..........................BROTHS

Fryer seen at a cookout?................BUGZAPPER

Killer that hangs around the porch?.....BUGZAPPER

Source of relief? ......................BULLPEN

Crummy joint............................BUMKNEE

Locks up? ..............................BUN

Jumper cable?...........................BUNGEECORD

Where one might go out on top?..........BUNKBED

Certain racing vehicle..................BURLAPSACK

Duel personality? ......................BURR

Call from the rear?.....................BUTTDIAL

Ended a phone call?.....................BUTTDIALED

Made a cheeky call?.....................BUTTDIALED

Large amount, originally 48 bushels (we 

kid you not)............................BUTTLOAD
Cheeky couple?..........................BUTTOCKS

Stuck-up couples at weddings?...........CAKETOPPERS

Obsession promoter .....................CALVINKLEIN

Garb you don't want to be seen in.......CAMO

Something wicked........................CANDLE

Someone you might be reluctant to give
a hand to?..............................CANNIBAL

Royal headwear? ........................CAP

Flare-ups in the hood?..................CARFIRES

Business that offers body waxing........CARWASH

Beef, or a fish ........................CARP

Support after a bad break?..............CAST

Means of returning home after a hunting 


Cover the spread?.......................CATER

Handled ham? ...........................CBER

Things used in semi circles ............CBS

Poison storage of the 1980s.............CDRACK

Makeup of certain shakes................CEDAR

Nun's habit?............................CELIBACY

Folks who share a joint?................CELLMATES

Joint rooms?............................CELLS

Get the word out?.......................CENSOR

Fortune readers ........................CEOS

Life preserver?.........................CEREALBOX
Cash flow statement?....................CHA-CHING

Remote possibilities....................CHANNELS
Pyramid builder ........................CHEERLEADER
Split personality?......................CHEERLEADER

Last word before someone is shot? ......CHEESE

Mating situation........................CHESSTOURNAMENT

Like a vitamin in the shape of Wilma

Hitchcock double feature? ..............CHIN

Market not to be bullish in?............CHINASHOP
Twain for children? ....................CHOOCHOO

Press release? .........................CIDER

Stilted performance, perhaps?...........CIRCUSACT

Big name in lock-changing ..............CLAIROL

Act of throwing money around to resolve

an issue?...............................COINTOSS

Suitable-sounding name for a kid on 

Santa's naughty list?...................COLE

What drives a baby buggy? ..............COLIC
Popular Cook book of 1977 ..............COMA

What an out patient may be in? .........COMA

Dos that are don'ts? ...................COMBOVERS

Small character in "Honey, I Shrunk the

Characters in "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad


Kind of artist who's not very good?.....CON

Some pen pals? .........................CONS

Machines with reproductive systems .....COPIERS

Like Kansas in August? .................CORNY

Old office cover-up.....................CORRECTIONFLUID

Hearing aid?............................COURTREPORTER

Flight specialists?.....................COWARDS

One interested in bull-dozing?..........COWTIPPER

Pro in the ledger-domain: Abbr. ........CPA

Revival meeting? .......................CPRCLASS
Creature that always uses the


Iron production? .......................CREASE

Ring in one's ears?.....................CROPCIRCLE

It can have you going through hoops.....CROQUET

Little bread boxes?.....................CROUTONS

Participants in a murder?...............CROWS

Thank God, it's Friday” declarer? .....CRUSOE

Dead centers?...........................CRYPTS

Key for someone with 20/20 vision? .....CSHARP

Take to a higher power? ................CUBE

Takes to a higher power? ...............CUBES

Nude custodian, maybe? .................CURATOR
Exhibitionists? ........................CURATORS

Act like a rude waiter?.................CUTINLINE

Father figure?..........................DADBOD

Dated women?............................DAMSELS

Rather formally? .......................DANIEL

Sock menders oath? .....................DARN

Hall of fame ...........................DARYL

Degree that's for filling? .............DDS

Collectors targets......................DEADBEATS

Pass out facedown ......................DEAL

Lotus positions?........................DEALERSHIPS

Gave somebody inexpensive diamonds? ....DEALT

Intro for John? ........................DEAR

Sugar substitute? ......................DEAR

Messing with a script? .................DEBRA

Useful cryptography tool to have on


Inside job for Martha Stewart? .........DECOR

Does as well as others? ................DEER
Company with a harrowing history? ......DEERE

Cuts from the cloth.....................DEFROCKS

Thy're sen n ths cle....................DELETIONS

Where sub assembly happens..............DELI

What you'd expect to be full of baloney.DELICASE

Sub standard?...........................DELIMEAT

Cubs' place to play home games..........DEN

Expert in crown molding?................DENTIST

Job with many openings? ................DENTIST

Pickup line locale? …...................DEPOT
Behind in French class? ................DERRIERE

Front runner?...........................DESERTER
Ball boy? ..............................DESIARNAZJR

Sound around a cradle...................DIALTONE

Carrier for bum wraps...................DIAPERBAG

Items spotted in a casino?..............DICE
Fight a losing battle? .................DIET

Losing proposition? ....................DIET

Secret behind the shed?.................DIETPILL

Loses on purpose? ......................DIETS

Dutch bank manager? ....................DIKE

Christian worshiped by men of the


Flight simulation? .....................DISAPPEARINGACT

Producer of cheap shots?................DIVEBAR
Helpless initials ......................DIY

Letters from your parents? .............DNA

CSI” walk-ons, sort of ................DOAS

Start of a scale model..................DOEADEER

Domestic flap?..........................DOGDOOR

Lab coat?...............................DOGHAIR

Crook in sports.........................DOGLEG

Take a toy that doesn't belong to you ..DOGNAP

Greyhound maintenance facility?.........DOGSPA

One of three in Fiji? ..................DOT

Average guy? ...........................DOW

Friday series originally airing on


Snake substitute........................DRANO

Brings home, as Twins...................DRIVESIN

Go on and on, possibly about flying


Mouth watering? ........................DROOL

Water-park .............................DROPANCHOR

Special collection musical hits?........DRUMSOLO

They wear down .........................DUCKS

Antiques collection?..........................DUST

Happy and more .........................DWARFS

Only one word anagram of a day

of the week ..................................DYNAMO

Canal zones? ...........................EARS

"It's a Small World," for one (sorry)...EARWORM

Mental notes?...........................EARWORMS

Stand for something? ...................EASEL

Do a course evaluation? ................EAT

Don't go fast? .........................EAT

Down sides?.............................EAT

Dine expectantly?.......................EATFORTWO

Novel with a screen adaptation?.........EBOOK

Sound that might be off the wall?.......ECHO

You've heard it before? ................ECHO

Cheese that's made backward? ...........EDAM

Flush formation? .......................EDDY

Adam's apple location? .................EDEN

Clean up your language? ................EDIT

One who shortened Life sentences?.......EDITOR

Quick, grab a newspaper!” .............EEK

Scream in a balloon? ...................EEK

I can come after these .................EFGH

Aged beef?..............................EGADS

White trash? ...........................EGGSHELLS

Number one fan? ........................EGOMANIAC

Vanity case? ...........................EGOTRIP

Down clue answer, often.................EIDER

Ticker tape, briefly? ..................EKG

Dying art form?.........................ELEGY

He or I, but not you: Abbr. ............ELEM

One with a pole position? ..............ELF

Game measured by its number of points...ELK

Scatter in record stores?...............ELLA

Opt for the window instead of the

aisle? .................................ELOPE

Secretly espouse?.......................ELOPE

Split to be tied .......................ELOPE

Emulated running mates? ................ELOPED

Employing the secret service?...........ELOPING

Type face?..............................EMOTICON

It's hard to run on it? ................EMPTY

Performance-enhancing supplement?.......ENCORE

Invasive plant?.........................ENEMYSPY

Half of nine? ..........................ENS

The impact energy of a small mosquito
flying into a wall,roughly .............ERG

Idle and then some? ....................ERICS

Without it, the mnemonic acronym for

the Great Lakes might be MOSH...........ERIE

Slips of paper?.........................ERRATA

National defense concern?...............ERROR
There's one in this cule................ERROR

It comes after 49.......................ERS

Key to some fast exits..................ESC

Slip of the pen?........................ESCAPE

Window shutter?.........................ESCAPEKEY

It has a lot of competition on TV.......ESPN

Thunder shower, at times?...............ESPN
Mug shot?...............................ESPRESSO

Word containing itself twice............ESS

It was a gas! ..........................ESSO

What means the most at the end?.........EST

Dead reckoning?.........................ESTATETAX

Indicator of condensation? .............ETC

Cabbage in a French cafe?...............EUROS

De-apartmentalize? .....................EVICT

No longer working in the private


Sentence completer? ....................EXCON

Split personalities? ...................EXES

Number two helper? .....................EXLAX

One getting rid of possessions? ........EXORCIST

Times when people look their best.......EYETESTS

Major scale figure?.....................FAHRENHEIT

Subject of many a bar examination ......FAKEID

Minor documents?........................FAKEIDS

Something relatively complicated?.......FAMILYTREE

Inheritance that may be the start of

something big?..........................FATGENE

Cell user often ........................FELON

Person with convictions, perhaps........FELON

Couple hanging out in hip joints?.......FEMURS

Like the little kid inside some of

us? ....................................FETAL

One's first position? ..................FETAL

Cover of the Bible? ....................FIGLEAF

Execute camels, e.g. ...................FIGURESKATE

It's bound to go to blazes?.............FIREENGINE

Pink slippers? .........................FIRERS

Does some sole searching?...............FISHES

Marlins' catcher........................FISHHOOK

Tough bass part.........................FISHSCALE

Overdrawn account? .....................FISHSTORY

Dead ringers?...........................FLIPPHONES

Food takeout line?............................FLOSS

Name of Washington's football team, as

of 2020.................................FOOTBALLTEAM

Escape from a lot, e.g. ................FORD

"I'm driving here!".....................FORE

Warning of reckless driving?............FORE

Con artist?.............................FORGER

Stick with it ..........................FORK

Change out of an old pair of pants?.....FOUNDMONEY

Like each word from this clue ..........FOURLETTER
Bachelor pad? ..........................FUTON
Solutions for unfair situations? .......GALOSHES

Trouble spot?...........................GAMETABLE

What may help with bed-wetting?.........GARDENHOSE

Beetle juice ...........................GAS

Where F is highest on the scale ........GASGAUGE

Short pants? ...........................GASPS

Fuel additive? .........................GASTAX

What a mug might hold? .................GAT

Man behind a counter? ..................GEIGER

Fault finder?...........................GEOLOGIST

Memorable '70s Ford.....................GERALD

Makes even more gross?..................GETSARAISE

Shape shifters? ........................GIRDLES

One who can't stand to go? .............GIRL

Secretive group? .......................GLANDS

It's heard around the water cooler .....GLUG

Seat cushions? .........................GLUTEI

Monitor of net income?..................GOALIE

One watching the kids?..................GOATHERD

What kids grow up to be ................GOATS

Lose contact with one's roots?..........GOBALD

Lose one's ability to get a part?.......GOBALD

Fee schedules for pay toilets?..........GOINGRATES

It's full of holes? ....................GOLFCOURSE

Content provider?.......................GOODMOOD

Stuck in Pamplona? .....................GORED

Leave Boston or Chicago, say?...........GOSOLO   

Penguin's habitat ......................GOTHAMCITY

Robin hood?.............................GOTHAMCITY

Cut the cheese, perhaps.................GRATE
Parking spot ...........................GREASESTAIN

Something the U.S. Government keeps

an eye on ..............................GREATSEAL

What you get while walking down the


Big shot?...............................GROUPPHOTO

Lab assistant, maybe?...................GUIDEDOG

House of reps?..........................GYM
Bangs on the head?......................HAIR
Coverage providers after a recession?...HAIRPIECES

Cold comfort?...........................HALLS

Digital annoyance? .....................HANGNAIL

Sound heard repeatedly in gargling? ....HARDG

Stuck in the sea........................HARPOONED

Sour grapes drink?......................HATERADE
Top of a Pacific island chain...........HAWAIIANSHIRT

Means of transport when you're late? ...HEARSE

Stiff crates ...........................HEARSES

Trustworthy woman?......................HEIRESS

Safe kind of job?.......................HEIST

Jobs that involve taking notes?.........HEISTS

Withdrawals that may incur

substantial penalties? .................HEISTS

Response to getting a ring? ............HELLO

When its second syllable is drawn out,

Are you out of your mind?!”............HELLO

Sewer lines? ...........................HEMS

Appropriate name for a woman's husband? HERMAN

One with savings accounts?..............HERO

Bad spelling? ..........................HEXES

Wasted word? ...........................HIC

Beekeeper's lovey-dovey greeting?.......HIHONEY

Cry from a mugger? .....................HIMOM

One unlikely to have a cow .............HINDU

Feature of an open-and-shut case?.......HINGE

This answer ends in "T," e.g. ..........HINT

They're paid to waste? .................HITMEN

Prepare to go out again?................HITSNOOZE

Inedible doughnut part? ................HOLE

Making long-distance calls .............HOLLERING
Heat-storing device.....................HOLSTER

Guacamole go-with?......................HOLY
Confrontation at a local court,

Pet name for Attila? ...................HON
Spam generator..........................HORMEL

King's realm ...........................HORROR

Partygoer who was never formally

Familiar Bible setting .................HOTEL

Warmly attached?........................HOTGLUED

What goes in a box......................HOUSECAT

Opposite of a speaking fee?.............HUSHMONEY

Outer ear...............................HUSK

They'll help you break your word..............HYPHENS

Rule that keeps you from spelling


Start of a rule broken by foreigners? ..IBEFOREE

Caesarean section? .....................ICAME

One who may eat her words? .............ICER

New Year's eave formation? .............ICICLE

Phrase that could end a single life ....IDO

Swear words? ...........................IDO

Polite telemarketer's mantra............IDONTRECALL

Declaration from a poker-playing

origami artist?.........................IFOLD

Northern hemisphere? ...................IGLOO

Diamond mine?...........................IGOTIT

Prepared introduction? .................ILL

Audio feedback?.........................ILOVETHISSONG

Toast words?............................IMAGONER

Film format for tall tales? ............IMAX

Defensive line?.........................IMJUSTSAYING
One whose work is at an end? ...........INDEXER

Brother from another mother, perhaps?...INLAW

Navel formation? .......................INNIE

Problem addressed by counters...........INSOMNIA

One who's not out all night? .................INSOMNIAC

Bug collection?.........................INTEL

Person at Waterloo......................IOWAN

Apt flowers for an optometrist's


Decreasing device ......................IRON

Group well-known for their spring

collection .............................IRS

Part of a shrink rap? ..................ISEE

Denial from a contractor?...............ISNT

Stressful type? ........................ITALICS

What gives authors stress?..............ITALICS

RN's body piercings?....................IVS

Sentence structure? ....................JAIL

Cooler idea?..................................JAILBREAK

Evidencing change? .....................JANGLY

What makes you question everything you


Flight risk?............................JETLAG

Ring masters ...........................JEWELERS

Pack animal?............................JOECAMEL

Competition among mail carriers? .......JOUST

One trying to make a living? ...........JUDGE

Peer in a box ..........................JUROR

Refuse work?............................JUNKART

Spit food? .............................KABOB

Smart adversary ........................KAOS
G, in music ............................KENNY

Piano piece? ...........................KEY

Soul seller.............................KIA
They catch busses at stadiums ..........KISSCAMS

Pecking order? .........................KISSME

Manipulate digitally....................KNEAD

Bender with a cap.......................KNEE

Places where pants are usually worn? ...KNEES

Mideast diet............................KNESSET

Rap duo.................................KNOCKKNOCK

Infinitely many calc teachers walk into a bar

and order 1 beer, ½ beer, ¼ beer, and so on.

The bartender pours 2 beers and says, "You

all really _______!"....................KNOWYOURLIMITS

Threads of scientific research?.........LABCOATS

Date of birth, to the mother? ..........LABORDAY

Tongue depressor?.......................LACER

Doctors with spirits ...................LACES

Lures for anglers?......................LAKES

Brest milk .............................LAIT

Western basket makers? .................LAKERS
Doctor who started a labor movement? ...LAMAZE

Labor management? ......................LAMAZE

Place to get delivery instructions?.....LAMAZECLASS

Luxury locale? .........................LAP

What you stand to lose? ................LAP

What pool hustlers do? .................LAPS

L on a T? ..............................LARGE

Mass communication? ....................LATIN

Going places? ..........................LAVS

Hearing aide? ..........................LAWYER

Figure in the high '60s?  ..............LEARY

Pet peeve?..............................LEASH

Spike of interest in movies?............LEE

Small construction company .............LEGO

Used protection? .......................LEMONLAW

Strip in a bar? ........................LEMONRIND
Small wing nut..........................LEPIDOPTERIST

Constellation in the very middle of this

clue, not counting spaces...............LEO

Cohort of Morley, oddly enough! ........LESLEY

Makeup artist? .........................LIAR

Like a defeated sucker? ................LICKED

Run on sentence? .......................LIFE

Person raised on a beach?.....................LIFEGUARD

Bank holdup? ...........................LINE

One who might get down to Alabama?......LINEDANCER

See what I mean?........................LIPREAD

Watches one's language? ................LIPREADS

Boost to your spirits? .................LIQUORTAX

Have trouble with “sisters,” maybe? ....LISP

Problem for someone who can't say

grace? .................................LISP

Struggle with hopelessness?.............LISP

Bullet train?...........................LIST

Word losers look for? ..................LITE

Fanta size? ............................LITER

Garfield's head? .......................LITTERBOX

One who more than just trash-talks? ....LITTERBUG

Good name for a pet iguana..............LIZ

Planet name? ...........................LOIS

Can of Prince Albert? ..................LOO

Derby head..............................LOO

Head of Buckingham Palace? .............LOO

John, to Ringo .........................LOO

Place that British women can't stand

going? .................................LOO

Duck call?..............................LOOKOUT

Where many are relieved in London? .....LOOS

They take stock during an emergency ....LOOTERS

Winner at dieting? .....................LOSER

Won the battle of the bulge.............LOST

Civic spaces?...........................LOTS

Apt name for a restroom attendant? .....LOU

Deadhead's hits?........................LSD

Actor who sucked in his most famous film


Bum wraps?..............................LUVS

Provider of Tour de France coverage.....LYCRA
Old laptop instruments .................LYRES

Weapon that comes in easy-to-carry and

hard-to-carry varieties ................MACE

Holy fish? .............................MACKEREL

Succeeded as a counterfeiter?...........MADEMONEY

Super conductors?.......................MAESTROS

Star witnesses? ........................MAGI

This answer often has more than seven


Unhand or disarm?.......................MAIM

Banana Republic defender, maybe ........MALLCOP

Commerce Clauses?.......................MALLSANTAS

Opening on Broadway?....................MANHOLE

Prayer in the woods.....................MANTIS

What a helicopter might fly out of?.....MAPLE

Red head with a mole ...................MAO

She never got cold feet? ...............MARCOS

School in which ideally there are no


Avon's calling, in part?................MASCARA

Covering in the news?...................MASK
Ends of some board meetings?............MATES

Class rife with division?...............MATH

One who's used to adding pressure?......MATHLETE

Figure heads? ..........................MATHLETES

Undercover asset?.......................MATTRESSPAD

Spread out in the kitchen? ...................MAYO

What leads many people to say "Let's face

Ford explorer? .........................MECHANIC

Explosion surrounding a star?...........MEDIAFRENZY

She could make you rock ................MEDUSA

Common soap ingredient .................MELODRAMA

Soap ingredient? .......................MELODRAMA

Notes for a staff.......................MEMO

It's impressed when people lie?.........MEMORYFOAM
Group whose name means "stupid" in

Spanish ................................MENSA

People who know better? ................MENSA

Rectangle that may have more than four


Persian word that can have many


"Wanna play with the laser pointer?"....MEOW

Sound elicited by an electric can

opener? ................................MEOW

Hunk in a shower?.......................METEOR

Copy cats? .............................MEW

King with a touching story?.............MIDAS

Get-together with Mr. Spock?............MINDMELD

Brief fashion statements ...............MINISKIRTS

Setting for many mass movements.........MINORKEY

Time travelers of a sort................MINUTEHANDS

Pocket protectors? .....................MISERS

Very tight group?.......................MISERS

Write “recieve”? .......................MISSPELL

Write seperate checks? .................MISSPELL

Ordered take-out?.......................MOBHIT

Curly poker? ...........................MOE

Name in hard rock ratings...............MOHS

Drop down? .............................MOLT
Brother in the hood?....................MONK

Order liver ............................MONK

Stock quote? ...........................MOO

Butt out? ..............................MOON

Revolutionary figure in space?..........MOON

Sounds from a milk container? ..........MOOS

Place where people tend to show up late?


Good name for a funeral director?.......MORT

Professional boxer?.....................MOVER

Abbr. with a ring to it? ...............MRS

Dash of seasoning? .....................MRS

Campaign weaponry? .....................MUD

Frank request...........................MUSTARD

Remote possibility? ....................MUTE

Cynical remark from a cyclops? .........MYEYE

Skeptical comment from a podiatrist?....MYFOOT

Olympic record?.........................MYTH

Digital tool ...........................NAILFILE

Digital color presentation?.............NAILPOLISH
Digital design component................NAILPOLISH

Place where both employees and clients might

get tips................................NAILSALON

"Canvas" for digital art................NAILTIP

Not in gear?............................NAKED

Drew on a book cover? ..................NANCY

Go out in the afternoon? ...............NAP

Star Bucks, say?........................NBAMVPS

Fir coats? .............................NEEDLES

It might make you pretty late ..........NEGLIGEE

Pop hit of 1924? .......................NEHI

Relatively helpful path to success?.....NEPOTISM

Possibly pleasing figure? ..............NET

Incapable of littering .................NEUTERED

Made unbearable? .......................NEUTERED

Pop up a lot?...........................NEWDAD

Pop up a lot, perhaps?..................NEWDAD

Having the highest queue rating? .......NEXT
Falls for a newlywed?...................NIAGARA

Falls for a recently married woman? ....NIAGARA

It's said while shaking.................NICETOMEETYOU

Numbers that might end a series?........NIELSENS

One with a big mouth in Africa?.........NILE

New Mexican, e.g. ......................NINO

Lousy egg? .............................NIT

Something to pick? .....................NIT

Dark time for advertisers ..............NITE

Master of the double take? .............NOAH

Reward for being close?.................NOCIGAR
Coward with a knighthood................NOEL

What may be in sight? ..................NOEND

Movable type?...........................NOMAD

Chair alternative.......................NOOSE
Opening of "An Occurrence at Owl Creek

Celebrity profile revisions?............NOSEJOBS

Profile changes? .......................NOSEJOBS

Stand-up guy? ..........................NOSHOW

Colt's fan club? .......................NRA

Stick in the dugout.....................OAR

Spots for hot dates?....................OASES

Labor leader? ................................OBGYN

It runs when you pass ..................OBIT

Dead lines? ............................OBIT

Expiration notice? .....................OBIT

Write of passage? ......................OBIT

Column people are dying to appear in?...OBITS

They're blown in the winds? ............OBOES

Like a full-moon viewing?...............OBSCENE

Deep space?.............................OCEAN

Ones taking advantage of suckers to get


Lines of credit.........................ODE

Job description? .......................ODD

It's often carried around a gym ........ODOR

Double-check figures? ..................OGLE

Scientist who was a resistance leader?..OHM

Crude transportation? ..................OILER
They're wicked..........................OILLAMPS

Pen output, with or without its first


Pen pal's response? ....................OINK

Ransom paid from the sale of 

Grey area ..............................OLDWEST

Promise to the chef? ...................OLEO

Number of consonants in this answer ....ONE

Phrase under the Lincoln Memorial?......ONECENT

Suitable apparel for a shower ..........ONESIE

Astronomically bad?.....................ONESTAR

"Not activist Yoko!!!"..................ONO

Well running group?: Abbr. .............OPEC

Angled piece............................OPED

Directive that has some teeth to it?....OPENWIDE

The nerve to see things as they are? ...OPTIC

Agent of the Vietnam War? ..............ORANGE

World revolution? ......................ORBIT

One seeking to catch some rays? ........ORCA

Underground metal band?.................ORE

Brand name of products that suck .......ORECK

Little dipper in a milky way? ..........OREO

Belted one out there? ..................ORION

Starry overlooks?.......................OCSARSNUBS

Middle of Czechoslovakia? ..............OSLO

Company that can help you change your


Giant who was 5'9"......................OTT

Board of inquiry? ......................OUIJA

National defense goal?..................OUT

Head for the backcountry?...............OUTHOUSE

Heads for the woods? ...................OUTHOUSES

Breakfast of centurions? ...............OVA

Ones going down the tubes?..............OVA

Panhandler .............................OVENMITT

Discuss one's toilet habits, for


Taking credit? .........................OWING

Person who is saving the world? ........PACKRAT

Arcade game consumer....................PACMAN
Opted for paper over plastic? ..........PAIDCASH

Sack cloth?.............................PAJAMAS

They're always bringing up old stuff?...PALEONTOLOGISTS

Good way to finish a sentence? .........PAROLE

Made tense?.............................PAST

Touching scene at an airport?...........PATDOWN

What hikers wear? ......................PATHS

Makes a lot of..........................PAVES

Driveling researcher? ..................PAVLOV

Choose paper over plastic? .............PAYCASH

Windows boxes? .........................PCS

One apt to have an appt app ............PDA

Double-digit figure?....................PEACESIGN

Bit of fan fare ........................PEANUT

Protectors sent packing?................PEANUTS

Christmas trees? .......................PEARS

Punk rock? .............................PEBBLE

Work for chicken feed?..................PECK

Sole caretakers?........................PEDICURISTS

Center of Japan? .......................PEE

Split second?...........................PEE

Kindergarten whiz? .....................PEEPEE

I.M. sent to a construction site?.......PEI

House rules enforcer? ..................PELOSI

Low-tech clickers?......................PENS

Tiny characters in "E.T."?..............PERIODS

Step backwards? ........................PETS

Business whose clients might go belly 


Where you might find a pair of boxers ..PETSTORE

Green org.? ............................PGA

Org. with hookers?......................PGA

Partridge family member.................PHEASANT

Conversation piece? ....................PHONE

Coaches for benched players?............PIANOTEACHERS

Irrational thing to celebrate?..........PIDAY

Walks on water?.........................PIERS

Little pen pals?........................PIGLETS

Annoying pharmaceutical rep?............PILL

Battle waged with weapons in some 


Tube test? .............................PILOT

Bad spot for a date?....................PIMPLE
Animal attacked by bats?................PINATA

Use of a two-digit confirmation code?...PINKYSWEAR
Part of a date that might lead to future


Some produce centers? ..................PITS

Like dates that lack a heart............PITTED

Venues for star-studded shows?..........PLANETARIA

Follower of a farm team?................PLOW

S word?.................................PLURAL

Hand-to-hand combat locales?............POKERTABLE

Force unit .............................POLICECAR

Great-smelling crime scene

investigator? ..........................POLICEDOG

Film that shows where not to swim?............PONDSCUM

Marco Polo's home?......................POOLAREA

Place where one might hear "That's my


Opera annoyance? .......................POPUPAD

Heads outside?..........................PORTAPOTTIES

Dead actor?.............................POSSUM

It fills up the joint?..................POT

Problematic opening on Broadway?........POTHOLE

Crack jokes, perhaps?...................POTTYHUMOR

Classic diva performances?..............POUTS

Full of life? ..........................PREGNANT

Before one's big opening? ..............PREOP

Building without cell phones? ..........PRISON

Joint tenants ..........................PRISONERS

Rear area?..............................PROCTOLOGY

For actress Shelley of Nia?.............PROLONG

It is what it is .......................PRONOUN

Rotten genre?...........................PUNKROCK

Full-groan man?.........................PUNSTER

Labor leader's cry? ....................PUSH

What to say when you're ordering a


VW forerunner? .........................QRSTU

Meet expectations? .....................RACES

Dangers for the over-70 crowd ..........RADARTRAPS

What Scott Joplin might yell after a

Sound generated by a noisy fan?.........RAH

Post production? .......................RAISINBRAN

Options for those who are anti-Russia

and anti-French? .......................RANCH

Branding expert.........................RANCHER

Singer in the family?...................RAT

State secrets?..........................RAT

"Grim" reminder of one's mortality......REAPER

What those with no class engage in?.....RECESS
Keep a fruitcake moving?................REGIFT

Dancer's restraint? ....................REIN

National defense figure, say?...........RELIEVER

Check for letters? .....................RENT

How someone may "live" in your head.....RENTFREE

Off-season air fare.....................RERUN

Got loafers working better?.............RESOLED

Subjects of savings accounts?...........RESCUERS

It's no longer working .................RETIREMENT

Evening drive ..........................REVENGE

Bad name for a chauffeur................REX

Trample for example? ...................RHYME

Fix a sailing competition? .............RIG

Spanish flowers? .......................RIOS

Babysitter's reading material?..........RIOTACT

Stranded carrier .......................RNA

Joints near shoulders ..................ROADHOUSES

Queen's attendants .....................ROADIES

Fits on a hard drive? ..................ROADRAGE

Steel worker? ..........................ROBOT

Preschoolers? ..........................ROE

One who called a spade a shovel? .......ROGET

Relief pitcher of old...................ROLAIDS

Secret thing since the '50s.............ROLLONDEODORANT

Lover of Shakespeare? ..................ROMEO

Play with a ball .......................ROMEOANDJULIET

Mitt with ten fingers...................ROMNEY

Dancer's landing pad....................ROOF

Hires for a float?......................ROOTBEER

String of churches?.....................ROSARY

Keeps going longer than is technically

really necessary and then begins to start

to become awkward, as a sentence .......RUNSON
Matt Damon's private part?..............RYAN

Construction specs?.....................SAFETYGLASSES

Tales you can also read backwards? .....SAGAS

Was depressed, maybe....................SAIDAH

Common word in sign language ...........SALE
Counter intelligence? ..................SALESASSISTANTS

Counter-productive people? .............SALESCLERKS

Solution for people with poor vision?...SALINE

It's California's fault.................SANANDREAS

Culinary heroes?........................SANDWICHES

Having no fear of commitment? ..........SANE


Present-day personality? ...............SANTA

Popular site for holiday gift orders....SANTASLAP

Its Facebook page has a lot of cheesecake


Film about leftover food? ..............SARAN

Wraps around the subcontinent?..........SARIS

Place where beads are made..............SAUNA

Link in the food chain .................SAUSAGE

Snores like a lumberjack?...............SAWSLOGS

Thatcher follower ......................SAWYER

Coming off the market...................SAYINGIDO

Reacts to something depressing?.........SAYSAH

Lie detector for a supposed loser? .....SCALE

It's wicked and smelly..................SCENTEDCANDLE

First or last ultra sound?..............SCHWA

Rock alternative........................SCISSORS

Pickup spots?...........................SCRUFFS

Film in a shower........................SCUM

How a sailor achieves a good work-life 


Site of a baseball merger?..............SEAM

An icy winter?..........................SEASONWITHSALT

Mystery that may have a stirring


Winter exchange program?................SECRETSANTA

Consultant hired for a fortune?.........SEER

Beneficiary of a Sonic boom?............SEGA

Good vibrations record? ................SEISMOGRAM

Earthling who grew up near Venus?.......SERENA

Star often compared to Venus............SERENA

They're bound to work ..................SERFS

Sleeping giant .........................SERTA

Basket made without weaving?............SETSHOT

Cat doctor? ............................SEUSS

Snow boarders? .........................SEVENDWARFS

Site of a big pile on the floor.........SHAGRUG

Mideast peace talk?.....................SHALOM

Marine mollusk exoskeleton vendor, in a

tongue twister?.........................SHE

Aide in getting high?...................SHERPA

Hillary aides...........................SHERPAS

Chamber of commerce?....................SHOP

Supercharger? ..........................SHOPAHOLIC

Take inventory .........................SHOPLIFT

Bug's midsection .......................SHORTU

Recovered from a bad stroke, say .......SHOTPAR

Martyr complex?.........................SHRINE

Hit bottom? …...........................SIDEB

Complement from the chef? ..............SIDEDISH

Communicate digitally? .................SIGN

Like three of the letters of "aisle"....SILENT

One in debt? ...........................SILENTB

One in doubt? ..........................SILENTB

Letter in “walk” and “talk” ............SILENTL

Feature in "People"?....................SILENTO

Overly sedimental?......................SILTY

Emulate Mercury or Mars.................SING

Cigarette additive? …...................SINTAX
Moral duty?.............................SINTAX

Head space?.............................SINUS

Spot order? …...........................SIT

Take the stand, ironically .............SIT

One trying to stay up when going down ..SKIER

Hot dog warmer? ........................SKILODGE
Bank job attire.........................SKIMASK

Street clothes? ........................SKIWEAR

It moves tirelessly? ...................SLED

Pursues one's dreams?...................SLEEPS

Is out and about..............................SLEEPWALKS

Considering retirement?.................SLEEPY

Driving hazard..........................SLICE

Toy used on flights?....................SLINKY

Lose density............................SMARTENUP

What you do after a workout?............SMELL

"Cheese" products.......................SMILES

Nasty hangover?.........................SMOG

Blessed event? .........................SNEEZE
Further caught up in class? ............SNOOTIER

Foment unrest, in a way?................SNORE

A child who's lying might make one......SNOWANGEL

Winter depression ......................SNOWANGEL

One may be responsible for many banks ..SNOWPLOW

Happy acquaintance .....................SNOWWHITE

Roll in the dirt?.......................SOD

Jerk's offering ........................SODA

Covers the earth? ......................SODS
Site of unexpected change? .............SOFA

Remote places? .........................SOFAS

Provider of green juice?................SOLARPANEL

Cry heard at a shoe auction?............SOLED

Sub standard device ....................SONAR

One who can't pass the bar? ............SOT

Deep state?.............................SOUNDSLEEP

You might put stock in it...............SOUP

Where some losers hang out? ............SPA

"V.I.A.G.R.a 4 FR33!", perhaps..........SPAM

Hit bottom? ............................SPANK

Facial spots? ..........................SPAS

Places to look at sweaters? ............SPAS

Unpredictable jerk?.....................SPASM
Two in a row?...........................SPAT

Fix, as a toy...........................SPAY

Fix for good? ..........................SPAY

Make unbearable? .......................SPAY

Spot-checking org.? ....................SPCA

Quick board meeting?....................SPEEDCHESS

Person well over 70, probably?..........SPEEDER

Places to catch flying cars?............SPEEDTRAPS
It reveals character flaws .............SPELLCHECK

Loses one's balance? ...................SPENDS

Round-trip flight ......................SPIRALSTAIRCASE

Hard-to-swallow reactions?..............SPITTAKES
Invasive plant..........................SPY

Where literary agents are found?..............SPYNOVELS

They get stuck in corners ..............STAMPS

Flight simulator?.......................STAIRMASTER

Competitions in which batting is


Inaugural addresses?....................STARTERHOMES

Tweeting symbols?.......................STATEBIRDS

Center of a circle or square, maybe.....STATUE

Put off retirement .....................STAYUPLATE

Old-fashioned letter opener.............STEAM

Take turns? ............................STEER

One helping a dictator .................STENO

Components of ranch dressing?...........STETSONS

Bad nickname for a rabbit? .............STEW

Worry, about how a slow-cooked dish of

meat and vegetables will turn out,


Verb that's an anagram of itself........STIFLE

Habitual high achiever? ................STONER

Joint owner?............................STONER

One might make counter revolutions......STOOL

Bolt stripped? .........................STREAK

Bolt with no threads? ..................STREAK

People who barely move?.................STREAKERS

Child actress ..........................STREEP

VW predecessors? .......................STU

Outstanding academic outcome?...........STUDENTDEBT

Double duty? ...........................STUNTS

Where to find pre-cooked bacon? ........STY

Those involved in cutting class at

school? …...............................STYLISTS

Apt first name for a lawyer? ...........SUE

Went a-courting?........................SUED

Kent state?.............................SUPERMAN

Drops in summertime temperatures? ......SWEAT

@!#?@!, e.g. ...........................SYMBOLS

Brief, for short: Abbr. ................SYN

Twisted here this is....................SYNTAX

Key to advancing one's writing?.........TAB

Center of a marked success? ............TAC

One on the verge of croaking? ..........TADPOLE

Flip comment? ..........................TAILS

Green pieces of cake?...................TAPINS

Strips for JFK?.........................TARMACS

Hold hands? ............................TARS

Source of criminal charges?.............TASER

Sing like a child?......................TATTLE

Something hard to get off your chest?...TATTOO

Stuff that's hard to get off your


Block party?............................TAXPREPARER
Offering from a master of deduction?....TAXTIP

Break fluid? ...........................TEA
Reading material for the future?........TEALEAVES

Semi professionals? ....................TEAMSTERS

Movie with a snotty audience?...........TEARJERKER

They're drunk at socials................TEAS

Poke fun at big hair?...................TEASE

Couples support ........................TEE

Mobile message media....................TEES

Duck sauce?.............................TEETOTAL

Activity in which love means nothing....TENNIS

Fire insurance? ........................TENURE

Fire-prevention program at school?......TENURE

What you might charge for a ride........TESLA

Class struggle? ........................TEST

Guardians of sewers ....................THIMBLES

What you may now hear? .................THIS

Provider of limited coverage?...........THONG

Fan belts? .............................TIERS

Point of eating? .......................TINE

Like a piggy just waking up.............TINGLY

Something to wait for? .................TIP

Place for extra notes on the piano? ....TIPJAR

Where singles congregate in a bar? .....TIPJAR

It's worn while making doughnuts?.......TIRETREAD

Sticks around for a real blast?.........TNT

Glass elevator? ........................TOAST

Speech for a glass elevator? ...........TOAST
Watch word?.............................TOCK

Water temperature gauge, sometimes? ....TOE
Digital filer's target..................TOENAIL

Digital identifier?.....................TOETAG

Essential part of Caesar dressing? .....TOGA

Senate cover-up, once ..................TOGA

They're going places?...................TOILETS

Can opener? ............................TOILETSEAT

Head covering?..........................TOILETSEAT

Support for a movement?.................TOILETSEAT

Fail to keep off the grass?.............TOKE

One taking pot shots? ..................TOKER

Holy city? .............................TOLEDO

Encryption sites?.......................TOMBS

Like those who are always losing their


Building with several levels, perhaps...TOOLSHED

Pillar of American Indian society? .....TOTEM

Top secret? ............................TOUPEE

Locks that might not be totally


Police action? .........................TOUR

Get a Bug off a shoulder, say...........TOW

Lemon aid?..............................TOW

Expensive car trips? ...................TOWS

It can carry rock and roll..............TRAM

Bouncer's locale........................TRAMPOLINE

Offensive lines ........................TRASHTALK

Dating guide for woodsy types?..........TREERINGS

Head lock? .............................TRESS

Bun ingredients?........................TRESSES

Threat bearing small arms?..............TREX

Screen guild?: Abbr. ...................TSA

Wanders around the airport?.............TSA

Tower in the bay .......................TUG

They're hung across roads ..............UIES

Strings of islands? ....................UKES

Person who's critical at first..........UMP

Looked over slides at home, say.........UMPED

Judges those who steal .................UMPS

Works at home? .........................UMPS
One giving you a pointer? ..............UNCLESAM

One calling strikes, in short...........UNIONREP

Labor pain..............................UNIONSTRIKE

One across the border? .................UNO
Render powerless? ......................UNPLUG

Tender one? ............................UNUM

Try to see the present? ................UNWRAP

Drop, like flies?.......................UNZIP

Short lines at the checkout? ...........UPC

Lines at the grocery store? ............UPCS

Higher calling? ........................UPHERE

Mint green? ............................USDOLLARS

Accord of 1985? ........................USEDCAR

Thanks for Tom Hanks, maybe? ...........USERID

Put people in their places? ............USHERED

Group of red states, for short .........USSR

Red letters? ...........................USSR

Ones taking a lot of interest

in their work? .........................USURERS

Development sites? .....................UTERI
Bad change of scenery? .................VANDALISM

The answer is blowin' in the wind.......VANE

Poetic licenses?........................VANITYPLATES

Johnson and Johnson, e.g. ..............VEEPS

Nearly 29% of Tel Aviv? ................VEES

Deer departed?..........................VENISON

Denoting the style in which one might

consider this clue to be written........VERBOSE

One shooting the bull? .................VET

One who fixes toys, e.g. ...............VET

Spot checker? ..........................VET

Professionals who conduct lab 


They're blue, because nothing rhymes

with purple ............................VIOLETS

It has a stripe on its back? ...........VISA

Majority of Europeans?..................VOWELS

Cape horn? .............................VUVUZELA
Elmer's wascally pwey...................WABBIT

Mass consumption?.......................WAFERS

Mass distribution?......................WAFERS

Target for middle management? ..........WAIST

Sun spot?...............................WANTAD

Occasion for throwing and folding.......WASHDAY

One with his name in lights? ...........WATT
Drier times ............................WASHDAYS

Wicked stuff?...........................WAX

Something that's designed to be buggy?..WEB

What separates the gulls from the


Bond films?.............................WEDDINGVIDEOS

Works in bed? ..........................WEEDS

You'll want to get them out

of your bed ............................WEEDS

Leaves in tears?........................WEEPINGWILLOW

One who can't handle their moonshine

Stage productions? .....................WESTERNS

Unwelcome benchmark? .........................WETPAINT

One with large calves...................WHALE

Things that can be popped on hogs.......WHEELIES

Question not asked on "Jeopardy!".......WHY

Lady Gaga cover?........................WIG
Certain union member....................WIFE

One who won't take just any cab?........WINESNOB

Port authorities?.......................WINESNOBS

Port authority? ........................WINO

Grape nuts?.............................WINOS

Place to get a life? ...................WOMB

Game where you can play rough but you 

can't play fair?........................WORDLE

Like this clue, which is unnecessarily 

verbose and could be way more succinct 

than it is..............................WORDY

Ones who are likely to go in to labor


Lousy sausages?.........................WURSTS

"Dude...your fly".......................XYZ

Union representative? ..................YANKEE

Collection of senior moments?...........YEARBOOK

Time's role in the book business........YELLOWER

Unsafe words?...........................YEROUT

"Look at this Duncan toy over here!"....YOAYOYO

Swiss air lines?........................YODEL

Mountain climber’s strains .............YODELS

Buy for a bender .......................YOGAPANTS
One of us? .............................YOU

Promising words from an eye doctor? ....YOULLSEE

Zip line?...............................YOURFLYISOPEN

London Zoo feature? ....................ZED

Round number? ..........................ZERO

Showed staggering ability? ...................ZIGZAGGED

Prepares to exit the stall, say.........ZIPS

Pole vault unit? .......................ZLOTY

Make undead ............................ZOMBIFY

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