
Nautical Terms

Word of the Day - Monday, February 26th

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Alee (uh-LEE)

On or toward the side opposite the wind

Common clues: Toward the sheltered side; On the quiet side; Out of the wind

Crossword puzzle frequency: Once a month

News: Harboring a desire to do something nautical

Abaft (uh-BAFT)

A nautical expression indicating a point behind a given part of a ship

Common clues: Sternward; Toward the stern

Crossword puzzle frequency: 2 times a year


Abeam (uh-BEAM)

A direction at right angles to the centerline of the boat

Common clues: Lateral to the keel; Shipboard direction; At right angles to the length of a ship

Crossword puzzle frequency: 2 times a year

Frequency in English language: 70644 / 86800


Avast (uh-VAST)

Cease or desist from whatever is being done

Common clues: Things to follow; Shout from the crow's nest; Sailor's halt; Hook's halt

Crossword puzzle frequency: Once a year


Stern (stern)

The back end of a boat

Common clues: Back of boat; Rudder's place

Crossword puzzle frequency: Once a year

Frequency in English language: 8293 / 86800