
Word of the Day - Sunday, March 28th

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ANJOU (AN-zhoo)

A green-skinned pear and firm smooth flesh.

Common clues: Pear variety; Type of pear; Green-skinned pear; Bosc cousin; Winter pear

Crossword puzzle frequency: once a year

Frequency in English language: 23658 / 86800

Video: The Little Pear Who Could

Green Anjou — Available October through June
Firm and green, even when ripe; this large, thin-skinned yellowish-green pear is best eaten fresh. When slightly under-ripe, it can be baked or poached, but once it ripens, its sweet, mellow flavor and abundant juice make it an excellent choice for salads and snacks.

Red Anjou — Available October through May
Much the same flavor, use and texture as the green Anjou. Red Anjous (generally dark, maroon red in color) show little to no change in color as they ripen, which is another characteristic shared with their Green Anjou counterparts. Red Anjous are recognizable for their near egg-shaped appearance.