
Word of the Day – Tuesday, December 28th

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WAN (wahn)

Unnaturally pale due to worry or sleeplessness

Common clues: Pale; Blanched; Lacking color; Colorless; Pasty-faced; Washed-out; White as a ghost; Ashen; Pallid; Unnaturally pale; Hardly ruddy

Crossword puzzle frequency: 3 times a year

Frequency in English language: 3383 / 86800

Pallor is a reduced amount of oxyhemoglobin in skin or mucous membrane, a pale color which can be caused by illness, emotional shock or stress, stimulant use, lack of exposure to sunlight, anemia or genetics. It is more evident on the face and palms. It can develop suddenly or gradually, depending on the cause.

Pallor is not usually clinically significant unless it is accompanied by a general pallor (pale lips, tongue, palms, mouth and other regions with mucous membranes). It is distinguished from similar symptoms such as hypopigmentation (loss of skin pigment).

Pale skin is also a very light skin tone most commonly associated with people of European descent, particularly people of Celtic and Scandinavian descent. In addition, people who avoid sun exposure and thus avoid sun tanning also tend to have paler complexions in comparison to their peers.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Pallor".  

WAN (169) 30 Tu >1 04 Pale

18 Tu >1 09 Pallid WAB

9 Tu+ >1 08 Ashen

9 We+ >1 09 Lacking color

8 >1 00 Unnaturally pale

7 We+ >1 07 Colorless

5 Tu- >1 00 Pasty-faced

5 Fr- NYT 07 Showing fatigue

5 Th+ >1 08 Washed-out

4 We >1 08 Hardly ruddy

4 Tu- >1 97 Obi-___ Kenobi

4 Th- >1 08 Pasty

4 We- >1 97 Whey-faced

3 We- >1 06 Far from ruddy

3 Th LAT 08 Hardly radiant

3 Fr- >1 97 Peaked ILL

3 Tu >1 09 Washed out

3 We- >1 00 White as a ghost

2 Th >1 03 Blanched

2 Th >1 87 Faint DIM

2 Fr- LAT 08 Half-hearted

2 Fr- NYT 09 Ill-looking

2 Fr NYT 09 Not sanguine

2 We CSy 07 Pale-faced

2 We- >1 04 Unhealthy looking