
The International Master Gardener Conference begins today in Charleston

Word of the Day – Tuesday, October 11th



Word of the Day


Clever Clue of the Month

The Cruciverbalist


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EDEMA (ih-DEE-muh)

    1. Botany: a swelling in a plant, caused by excessive moisture.

    2. Pathology: a buildup of excess serous fluid in the interstices of cells in tissue spaces or into body cavities.

Common clues: Plant swelling; Swelling condition; Plant problem; Accumulation of fluids; Tomato blight; Botanical swelling; Watery swelling; Puffiness; Swell subject for plants

Crossword puzzle frequency: 2 times a year

Frequency in English language: 84310 / 86800

Video: Identifying Late Blight on Tomato Plants

Edema on the underside of a Peperomia Leaf [Photo: Courtesy of Dr. Curtis E. Swift, Colorado State University]

Edema is a condition that results when the plant takes up more water through the roots than the leaves can give off in the form of water vapor through the stomates. The excess water accumulates in the leaf cells, causing them to enlarge and often burst. As the cells become engorged with water, swellings may appear on the upper or lower surface of the leaf. The afflicted cells often have a dark green bacterial-like water-soaked appearance surrounding these swollen cells.