
The Medford Pear Blossom Festival takes place this weekend

Word of the Day – Weekend Edition



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BOSC (bohsk)

A large variety of pear with a long neck and greenish-yellow skin
Common clues: Winter pear; Greenish-yellow pear;
Pear type; Bartlett's cousin; Pear variety; Anjou alternative
Crossword puzzle frequency: 3 times a year
Tip of the day: Bosc pears
Etymology: Named after Louis Augustin Guillaume Bosc (1759-1828), a Belgian horticulturist.

The Bosc pear is considered a “winter” pear. It’s a relatively difficult pear to produce in the home garden. In order to do it you should pick them in early to mid September, store for six to eight weeks in very cool conditions – about 35-40 degrees, then bring them out to room temperature to ripen. To check for ripeness, press your thumb against the neck. If it starts to feel slightly soft, it’s ready to eat.